Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Spiders and snakes, oh my!

While we were visiting in MO we went to a Natural History museum thing. Did you know there are tarantulas in Missouri? I didn't. I knew they had some honking big spiders, but didn't know they could be as big as your fist. That freaked me out a little until my MIL told me that they are only in rocky areas. Our land is flat and grass covered, NOT a rocky area. That provided some comfort but then again, was she just saying that so I wouldn't freak out?

My husband says that when he was a kid (and lived in a rocky area) they had lots of them - he remembers once that one crawled across the ceiling in their home. Plus he and his brothers used to run over them with their bikes and listen to them crunch......ok, now I'm freaking myself out again. I do NOT like spiders. Then he told me (I'm sure he was trying to comfort me) that they had a snake once that got loose in the house and they didn't find it for a week. They finally found it sitting in a window sill.

I know there are snakes. And that some are poisonous. For some reason the spider thing still freaks me out more than the snake thing.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

There will be lots of bugs and other critters that you aren't used to seeing where you live. That will be the fun of changing areas where you live. Don't be afraid. Heck, some people keep tarantulas for pets. Those grands in their halloween outfits are CUTE.

Kellie said...

You'll get over that Patty. Just like Kris did with the tick phobia..

Mim said...

you gave me shivers.....

Aunt Krissy said...

Right there with you sister! It's just wrong to have a spide that goes "crunch" yuck!

A Lady's Life said...

I would not like the idea of these two creatures walking around my house.
Although I wouldn't mind catching them outside and putting them in a cage to observe for a while.
In Singapore they had one snake they prayed to and they kept a chicken in the cage with it in case it got Talk about freaky.