Last night we learned about shadows and how to measure the angle of a shadow and the length....there's more to it than I've done in the past. It's not hard, but some thought does go into it. We joked that we had all had a geometry lesson last night - we are no longer just artists, we are mathamaticians also. We also learned a dry brush stroke for the background trees, a new way to color in sky so the trees look frosty and more color mixing for the front tree trunks. I've really enjoyed this class and plan to take his advanced watercolor class too, but can't for the next few months - I've got too much stuff scheduled. The class is held on Wed evenings or Saturdays in the middle of the day. I may start up again in January after the holidays.
Oh Wow again Patty!
You are doing such a great job here!!!
Love this result again!
Hey mom, I absolutely love it! Love you!
Was this your last class? You are doing so well. You got a great Teacher it seems. Hope you can take his other class eventually.
I too hope that you can take more classes. To my untrained eye it looks really good.
very nice Patty...
aw, too bad you have to take a break :(
When you have kids and schedules thugh it's understandable.
But please keep painting in the meantime! This is quite nice.
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