I received a special package in the mail today. It is my very own paint brush holder made by Lynn at
Getting My Feet Wet blog. Check her blog out today - she made another brush holder, I think for herself, that is full of bright colors. I love it too. I believe she plans to make more and sell them at her Etsy sight, so if you want one too, you'll have to check it out. Obviously I need to buy more, expensive brushes. There are still slots open!

I requested denim 'n lace so it came out exactly like I had pictured in my mind. When I wash it the edges will fray and look like old worn, cut off jeans. She used some bright colors to stitch around the lace - hard to see in the photo but there are little bright bits of color.
Thanks Lynn! I love it!
You do need a few more brushes but in time, if you keep painting, that will happen. . . Trust me. lol
She did a great job on this for you. I love the denim and lace. Cool way to keep your brushes protected.
So glad it got you to safely and that you are happy with the results. On the other one I made I did wash it and the thread colors run. I like the effect on the denium. You need to decide if you want that on the lace or not. I think it will make it even more funky but it's up to you.
(PS your check arrived in today's mail. Thanks. Perfect timing! ;-) Can't wait to see more paintings!!!!
i swear that Lynn is the busiest artist/crafter I know!!
I'm glad you bought a brush holder.
I have at least three huge containers of paintbrushes. Stock up girl!! :)
(I think that's because I keep the old, funky ones for messy projects. Maybe I should just toss em'!)
That Lynn is a fantastic artist too. I love your roll. Paint brushes will accumulate as you delve into painting. They are addictive.
just adorable and so clever too
How very nice. I am always impressed by how much people are willing to give and share. It's a great way to keep your brushes and be able to carry them with you. I've thought about making something like that for my crochet hooks.
I'm sure that you will have no problem getting that filled up. Now Tim will know what to get you for gifts!
Aren't they just awesome?!
So nice it turned out the way you had pictured it!
Yeah, Lynn is a wizard with fabrics isn't she!
OOOOH LOVE this...Must check out Lynn's page straight away! :)
Thank you for sharing this. :D
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