We leave at the end of the month to go to MO for two weeks. We'll spend about a week with our son and daughter-in-law and my in-laws. Then the next week we are planning to drive over to where we bought property earlier this year. We are going to walk our land and have lots of fun daydreaming about what we will do with it when we retire in about 10 years.
Maryann, our old dog, is not doing so well. This has been a bad year for pet's at our house. She is aging very quickly. Just a month ago I mentioned that her back legs were getting all "wonky". Well it's getting worse. She can barely stand up or walk. Her back feet keep curling under too; it's as if she's lost all control of her hind legs. The hips make them move, but the legs are all independent and doing whatever they want. It makes her very wobbly. I've been helping her up and down off the porch when she goes outside. She is in good spirits though and doesn't seem to be in any pain; she's always wagging her tail and looking happy.
We need to get a house and dog sitter for the two weeks we are gone. Now that my kids and their friends have moved away, I don't have anybody handy to house and dog sit. I've still got a few ideas in mind, but better get it figured out soon. My sister Kris owes me about 500 hours of dog care, but she conveniently moved to WI before she had to pay any back. (We used to always watch her dog when she traveled.)
Your vacation sounds like it's going to be a busy one.
Poor ol' Maryann, hope she gets better.
I hope you find someone that will be able to take care of your dogs and house. It is sad to watch a sweet companion get old and decrepit. Your vacation will be so much fun. You are traveling at a good time of year.
Hey! Don't forget that I watched your dogs. 3 dogs for one week is a heck of a lot more then 1 dog for 1 week. I think we are even.
Poor Maryann!! I hope you find a good doggie sitter in time now that she needs special care!
Your blue watercolor is stunning dear! WOW
Hope you will enjoy your holiday!
Have a great trip. Hope you find care for the animal! ;-) Well someone take in the mail on tuesday?
Lynn - this isn't till end of month. I'll get my mail on Tuesday!
Hope you find somebody sweet to watch Maryann. We are blessed to have family right across the road that watch Ginger when we need to be gone.
Ohhhhh, poor Maryann.
Hey, I might have someone in mind that would dog sit for you. I need to make a phone call.........
oh how sad about Maryann. I hope you can get away with confidence in the sitter so you can enjoy your needed time away.
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