Tonight we learned about reflections and how to paint them in water. Here's what I painted and what the rest of our group did. One of the ladies got kind of upset tonight, didn't finish her painting and wouldn't put it up with the rest of us. I don't understand why she's so hard on herself. It's only lesson 4 of a BEGINNER class. Nobody expects perfection or the next big masterpiece. We are all learning and practicing. I wonder if she should consider another medium, because watercolor is not something you can really control at first.

Mine is on the wood board. Everybody else purchases gator board which you can staple to. I need to get a piece because I can't staple my paper down like I'm supposed to. I like the ones where the reflection of mountain is darker. My reflected mountain kind of disappears. I notice that I tend to use more water than needed and often my picture is lighter than the others. Note to self: Use LESS water!
Hey mom, I love it! All your watercolor paintings are very beautiful. One day you should paint me one so I can be reminded of Alaska. I love you and am glad your're enjoying your art classes.
Looks like your learing lots in this class. When are you going to paint my master piece?
Hi Katie! Your Aunt Krissy loves you!
I hate to staple down my paintings. It is much easier to use drafting tape and tape them down. It works just as well as staples and you don't ruin your board as fast. I think your painting is great. Good job. Isn't it fun to learn new stuff.
That's too bad that someone got upset. When art becomes frustrating it is no longer fun...and it's supposed to be fun. I've painted with watercolor before, but my style is more impressionistic than realistic. Maybe she has a different style and is trying to be something she's not? Just a guess.
I'm glad you're enjoying your class and we all get to benefit because we get to see your creations!
Love you too Aunt Krissy!
I like them all - the one on the left side (with two on the board) is pretty good. I think doing dark watercolor is hard, hard, hard!!
I am so impressed. Yours is wonderful. I like the lightness, etheric feel to it.
I can kind of relate to the lady who got frustrated. When I took my last group class in watercolor, my example looked nothing like the teachers or anyone elses. I put it up but it really was laughable in comparison to the others. I can't handle the pressure in that kind of situation well. Maybe she and I need 1 on 1 lessons.
Wow! You are in your element here.
Great work!!
I like it the way it is. If you made the refection darker, it wouldn't look so much like a reflection. Mho, of course... very pretty!
I like it! Less water, more water - it's just great! I think I'd like to take a class like you are. And if Bob Ross was teaching it I'd be in heaven :)
I think this is wonderful!!! Of course it's all in blue tones so of course I resonate with it.
I think the lighter reflections seem more realistic. Thay all look good though.
I feel bad for the lady who is upset. My 66 year old sister has just started a watercolor class (and has NEVER) painted in her life. She would most likely be the one to storm out. So sad, this self-inflicted pressure. I hope she hangs in and grows with the class.
Great painting Patty!
You're doing so well in this class Patty - such a lovely painting! Poor lady who didn't feel comfortable :( - we all have our off days! I never staple my paintings either - if I'm using lightweight paper or even if I know that I'll be using lots of water on a heavier weight, I have a wooden board and stretch the paper by wetting and sticking down with gummed tape. You have to prepare this in advance but the surface is taught and perfect to work on after it has dried. Another solution is to use paper which comes in pads that are glued together on all 4 sides (but each sheet is easily detachable when you need to).
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