Thursday, October 14, 2010

Morning visitors

This morning Roxy was woofing a little so we looked outside and saw these two moose bedded down in the front yard. It's a mama and bull calf (there are little horn nubbins on the small one). Luckily they got up and moved before I had to go to work. I'm a little leary about walking by them to get to my car.


Barbara said...

I never heard of moose in the yard!

Lynn Cohen said...

We've actually seen some in peoples front yards when traveling in the mid west of the usa. I'd rather not have to trip over any in my front or back yard!!!
Neighbor said he saw a pososem out back recently, that's about the extent of our wild life and an occasional raccoon.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Gosh, I wonder if this is the same moose mom that brought her calf to your yard last winter. What a mess having them there. It could be dangerous. I really think it is wonderful. I don't have to pass them to get to work though.

marianne said...

Oh how special this is!
Maybe the same who was eating on your tree earlier?
Are they dangerous when encounter?
I think they look so cute.....

SandyAlaska said...

We had four lady moose and one bull moose out across the lake the other Monday... A momma moose was eating my poppies tonight... Only in Alaska ! I'm so glad I've lived my life here... !!!

Mim said...

Are they ferocious?

Kellie said...

Cool beans PAK! Glad you've got Roxie to let you know something was not right outside.

studio lolo said...

Are they chocolate moose?


I do love wild America, but having just moved from mountain lion country I know to keep a safe distance. It's different when they come to your yard though, which more of them are doing because they have nowhere else to go.

So far no wildlife in Rhode Island other than the crazy natives!

tainterturtles said...

That is so cool. I hope they don't do any damage however!

Margaret Ann said...

What a beautiful sight...:)