MaryAnn, our 11 year old American Bulldog, was put to sleep this morning. She had been developing a problem with her back end, which my vet said was neurological damage from either slipped disc or cancer. She went downhill very quickly, from being slightly wobbly on her back legs a month ago to barely able to stand this week. We had been helping her in and out to the backyard, but other than that she just laid in her dog bed the rest of the time. We took her in for an exam on Wednesday and he kept her for two days and tried some treatments, but she wasn't improving and the prospects didn't look like she would. She was happy and pain free right to the end.
MaryAnn was my husband's dog - we got her from my sister when she was about a year old. We've lost two of our three dogs within a month. It feels very lonely at our house right now but Roxy is getting lots of attention.
Oh no .........!!!! So sad to loose 2 dogs in one month!
Well Mary Ann is no longer in pain. But for the 2 of you and Roxy it must feel like an empty house.....filled with sadness.
Hope your heart will heal soon dear!
Big hug from me♥
Oh Patty, my heart breaks for you and your family. I know she was a sweetheart of a dog :(
Thank you for letting her go in the kindest way♥
My kitty is in the emergency hospital. I'm sitting by the phone waiting to hear if she made it through the night. I'm in disbelief. Ugh. Furkids...what would we do without them?
I'm sorry Patty. She was good dog, I loved how she would come to my cabin in the morning to see me and climb into my bed and snuggle with me. And eat Abby's food.
Oh my goodness Patty, losing two dogs so close together, I feel so bad for you.
Big hugs
Oh, Patty. I'm so sorry to hear about MaryAnn. My heart just breaks for you and Tim.
Oh Patty, I'm so sorry. To lose them so close together is so very hard. I went thru this with three cats years ago. Its painful but merciful to let them go rather then be in pain. My heart goes out to you both.
OOh, that's heartbreaking, Patty. So very sorry.x
Im so sorry about Patty. She was such a pretty girl. Two dogs lost in so short a time. How sad you must feel. Blessings and hugs, Suki
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry. They are like losing a family member and some people don't realize that.
Roxy must be lost. Poor thing.
I sympathize with all of you.
I am so sad to read this post and hear of your loss. Hugs to you Patty...hubby too...:)
Oh my gosh Patty. I am so sorry to hear this. How awful for you and your husband. Big ((hugs)) to you both.
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