Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday sketching

Today I sketched Laura - I think it came out pretty well because my husband recognized her right off. I know I haven't done so well when I say, "whose this?" and he says, "I don't know."

I think I'm out of the doldrums. I finished three ABC ATC's yesterday and I'm finishing another three today. I think when I get behind and then let myself get further behind it starts to feel hopeless, like I will never catch up. Then I force myself to do something and it's not as hard as I thought and pretty soon I feel better about myself. I don't like being behind.


SandyAlaska said...

Don't you HATE that when you procrastinate and then finally tackle the procrastinated job and it's so much easier than you were anticipating. I do the dread thing and over stress on my daily to-do chores and then finally get in gear and get to work and with concentrated effort I have it all done relatively quick and I wonder what I was doing chewing myself into so much stress over it... I hate that !

S dot

SandyAlaska said...
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Kellie said...

Your church lady looks familiar to me.

Glad you are feeling better. All the rain up there probably doesn't help much either.

tainterturtles said...

Very nice sketch. I especially like her hair!

Good to hear you are feeling better. Any bike riding lately?

Aunt Krissy said...

Must not be that good of a pic. I don;t know who she is. Oh , that's right, I don't go to your church! YOu workd best under pressure.

PAK ART said...

TT - no, it's been raining off and on for the last week and I don't bike in the rain. Krissy - she's Paul's wife (daughter-in-law to Lee and Jean - I don't want to put last names in here).

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Way to go Patty. I like this sketch. I am glad it resembles the person you sketched. I think your husband's reaction is a good way to judge your sketches of people you both know.

BT said...

Hi Patty, it's a super sketch! I know how you feel about putting things off and getting down about it. I often feel like that. I'm so glad you're catching up with the ATCs - or have caught up. I have just done my 'Y' so only one more to go. ~hugs~

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

These are really good! I'm terrible at drawing people!