Sunday, January 25, 2009

Financial Peace

Each year our preacher spends the first 4 weeks of the new year preaching about finances. Finances are important to God - just look at how many scriptures instruct us in being financially prepared. God even asks us to test him in this. He will put more resources in the hands of those who manage his resources well. That doesn't mean God is going to make you rich if you tithe, but it does mean that God cares about how you manage what he has given you. He wants to see us use His resources for His purposes. If you are not managing your finances well, you will not be tithing properly or being generous in your giving to those areas God wants you to give.

My husband and I started about two years ago with the intent to live the G.O.O.D. (Get Out Of Debt) life. We received the book, Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey, from my in-laws. Since then we have both read and reread portions of it. I suggest you check it out. It gives financial advice from a Christian perspective.

Since then we have cleaned up all of our credit card debt and are now working on saving more towards our emergency funds. When my car had all it's troubles for the past two weeks, it was a good feeling to be able to pay for the repairs without going into debt. Not that it didn't hurt! But being indebted to a big credit card company is not where I ever want to be again.

Now the money that we used to pay for credit card payments can go into the fund for future purchases and emergencies (such as car repairs) so that we aren't tempted to put stuff on credit.

PS This is on my mind right now because I have set up a food/household expenses budget in an Excel spreadsheet and I'm trying to stay within budget and plan meals ahead for two weeks. I always spend less money over two weeks if I plan ahead instead of wondering each day, "what are we going to have for dinner tonight?" Which I do a lot. Too often I will quickly pick something up that is more expensive than if I had planned ahead. Same with lunches for work. I often go out to eat but that adds up quickly and I would spend far less if I just planned a sandwich.

This is one of my New Year's resolutions - to do a better job in budgeting household expenses.


K. said...

You're the third person I know of that has mentioned Dave Ramsey. I think I need to check that out of the library.

I'm very thankful I married the cheapest man alive (ha).

Aunt Krissy said...

I need to plan meals also. I dont spend as much here as I did up there, but that may be because I make less! and I have to go for a drive to spend money.

crochet lady said...

A lot of people I know have done the Dave Ramsey study and found it really helpful.

My parents taught me to tithe. Even when times were tough for them they always gave the Lord what was his.

I try to do the same.

tainterturtles said...

We do have Dave Ramsey's books in our library system...both book and audiobook. Ramsey has also authored children's books. Sounds interesting so I'm going to put a request in for Fiancial Peace!

Isn't it amazing what you learn through church services?

Becky from Alaska said...

You are right about that excel spreadsheet! Travis and I are using the spreadsheet that Deryl gave out for budgeting, and it helps alot!! PS I wanted to say thank you for the use of Microsoft 2007. It has a program on it called One Note that is WONDERFUL in organizing class notes!! So thanks again. :)