Saturday, October 11, 2008

Things to do

I work from "to do" lists alot. It's the only way I can keep track of all the many little things I need to get done. That, and sticky notes. I've been referred to as the sticky note queen. My desk top (real desk top, not computer!) has at least 10 sticky notes I would guess with varying degrees of importance, from "pick up Donna check" (which reminds me that I got to busy to pick it up on Friday, but need to do it Monday) to "4556 then X, then #2" which are directions for transferring a call directly into our voicemail system instead of making the caller go through 4 more rings before getting voicemail. Here's my to do list for today.

Fix Tim's Yahoo Home Page - Somehow the link to Tim's homepage isn't working right and he's asked me to fix it. Usually this is a job for Travis, but somehow Tim has gotten it into his head that because I use a computer at work, that I am somehow "gifted" in fixing computer problems. It's not true. I'm not. I'll be calling Travis long-distance soon!
Do Laundry - this is never ending! Plus we just took down sparebed so I have all that bedding to wash - this is from my daughter's stay in July - see how behind I am!
Give Blood - We are having a blood drive at work for month of Oct and I was too sick to give the other day when the blood bus was at work, so I'm going to one of their blood-letting offices today.
B-Day Present - Jadyn's birthday party is today. I need to find her an educational, yet fun gift.
B-Day Party - I'm skipping most of it except the food and gift giving part. I'm still overloaded on too many little kids from the recent Chuck E. Cheese episode!
Sell Truck - Tim gave me strict instructions to sell truck today so that he doesn't have to talk to anybody. Ha! We'll see if I'm any better than he is at talking to strangers. It is parked on the front lawn with a 4-sale sign in the window. (don't be sad Krissy)
Clean Art room - This has been on my list for approximately 6 months. Oh well.
Haircut - My last haircut was in beg July, a couple weeks before the wedding. It's getting longish and hard to curl to how I want it. It just hangs there saying "you look like an old lady with scraggly hair!"
Car wash - my car hasn't been washed in ages and it looks icky. Plus a bird pooped on it about 2 weeks ago and I've got a white streak down one of the back windows. It's time.
Lunch at Lone Star - I have to! The blood bank has told me repeatedly to have a steak and spinach salad lunch before coming to give blood because I'm always just a hair too low in iron to give.
Art Projects - I always plan to work on some art projects on my days off. Unfortunately, too many of the above items always seem to get in my way. Today though, if I have time, I'm planning to finish a painting I started at the cabin. It's for a man I work with for his wife for Christmas present - he's going to pay me! Whoo Hoo! That will be a little extra money for presents for me to buy. I also want to start a scherrenschitte project, or two. I've got some ideas for Christmas presents. That's still a long way's off, but if I don't want to be snipping paper on Christmas Eve I've got to start now. Or tomorrow. or soon. Really.


Aunt Krissy said...

you better get cracking! Oh, maybe a nap 1st!

tainterturtles said...

Wow, what a list. I stop doing lists at home because it made me to to ADHD!!! Now at work, that's a different story. I have post-it's all over my desk with reminders of deadlines and things to do. If I run out of post-it's at work, I'll just spin in circles and look spacey all day long.