I've done long hair and short hair, and back to long hair, and then short hair. I usually get to the point that I need to cut my hair when it gets so long that it seems to droop like a basset hound's ears. As I get older, the gray streaks running through the long strands only add to my displeasure. So, off to get a hairc

Usually I'm happy with a trim, but this past year I went much shorter to this "shag" which I like very much. Better than short short, better than long, it's a happy medium. The only problem is that if I let it go too long before making another appointment I start in with the scissors, just to trim it up here or there. I have a hard time putting the scissors down once I get started.
Once I cut my sister Kris' hair for her....back when we were all too cheap to go to a hairdresser. I had trouble getting the bangs even, and soon her "bangs" were only about 1 inch long. We called it the "heidi haircut" for some time and she hasn't let me near her hair with scissors since.
I've just noticed. I wear a lot of red. Every pic (all taken several months apart) I'm wearing red.
wow...we do/did look alot alike. When I first saw the pic before I read what you wrote I had to do a double take cause I thought it was me!
I hardly ever wear red. I think that's my first and only time. Come to think of it I gave you my red shirt cause I was never wearing it.
Your hair looks good both ways. A little on the sassy/pixy side with the shaggy one.
I like it when your hair is a few days deom not being washed and you have been wearing a snowmachine helmet. it looks really nice then!
Thats a few days from not being washed! not deom!
Maybe I'll post a pic of me with helmet hair come winter. You'd like that.
wow - alicia looks so old! heehee
yeah...so who's the anonymous person? hunh? hunh?
I hate spelling anonymous because it takes me like 4 (actually 6)times to get it right. I always give up and have to look it up!
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