Today I'm heading up to the cabin as soon as I get off work. It's been raining hard and I'm kind of dreading that muddy trail. I'll be on the back of Tim's 4-wheeler though so it will be all up to him to keep me out of the mud. I might mention he hasn't always done a very good job of that in the past. Once he flipped the 4-wheeler up onto it's rear wheels and I fell back and down (about 1 foot) onto my back into a puddle and wet grass. I was a bit stunned because usually he does take more care with me. He turns back to me with great concern on his face and says "are you ok?" I answer "yes" and he says "then move! I can't hold the 4-wheeler up forever!" I hadn't noticed but he was standing upright, straddling me on my back holding the 4-wheeler up by the handlebars to make sure it didn't squash me. I quickly (but not nimbly) rolled to the side and he was able to set the 4-wheeler down. I had tears in my eyes because I always do when I get frightened or upset. So then of course he was worried I was hurt and I was trying not to be a big baby.
Anyway. I dread the muddy trail. I'm going to fill my mind with positive affirmations and think of beautiful flowers. Like this Forget-me-not, it's our state flower.
Thankfully Tim has already fetched water so I won't have to travel that part of the trail with him. And he's planning to hunt moose so I'll be able to sit in my cozy cabin and work on an art project or two. Or read a book.
You are so going to get wet! Do you have any Russian tea with you?
And are you ever going to tell the story about sticking your sled in the creek and Tim and I having to push it out, up to our knees in water in the winter time? with a 3 hr ride back to the cabin? In the dark? When my pants and boots got frozen?
I'm saving that special story for winter. Right now we are in mud and mud mishaps. By the way, the trail was just as bad as I imagined. Even worse. The Snake RIver area is all underwater and instead of choosing the best muddy trail, you have to pick the best small river.
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