Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Knee news

I went to the doctor today! Yay! I've been putting that off for a long time. I got good news. The doctor can not tell if I've torn the meniscus although it's possible. He says it is more likely that I have gotten arthritic in my knee and combined with cold weather and lots of use, it is VERY enflamed. He recommended 10 days of anti-inflammatory which I started today and he thinks I'll be feeling a whole lot better. If it's better in 10 days, I'll be kicking myself (with my other good leg) because I've put up with this pain for at least 4 months or more.

I've got to start trusting doctors more. Maybe.

Who raised me to be so skeptical? Dad? That's my guess! Love you D.


Katie said...

Hey mom, Hope your knee starts to feel better! Love you and miss you!

A Lady's Life said...

Well the trouble with that is once you start with these anti inflammatory thingy's you have to keep taking them.
I take Aleve and it seems to help a lot
Also losing weight and keeping the knees warm as well as the feet.
Since I am always never taking care of myself mine get stiff lol

crochet lady said...

I've had problems with inflammation in various areas...mostly my knees and shoulder area. Taking an anti-inflammatory did help. Hope you feel better soon.

Teri said...

Well that is the good and bad news with good being very good. Hope it all works out okay.

Aunt Krissy said...

Hey, if your not bleeding bad, then you don't need a Dr.

Hope the knee feels better soon.

SandyAlaska said...

There is such a thing as "healthy" skepticism, Patty... It's good to think for one's self and not take everybody at their word without doing any of your own thinking or research... then there the "unhealthy" skepticism where you don't believe anything anyone says... so, just keep your skepticism healthy and you'll do fine...

Lynn Cohen said...

I do hope this is the cure and that you will be fit as a fiddle very soon now. Yes, no more procrastinating! Happy dancing soon. And happy holidays!

tainterturtles said...

What, 4 months? Shame on you girl! Good thing the doc checked you out.

Hope you feel better soon.

janice said...

Better living thru chemistry! Good for you to finally go to the Dr..

Just think, you just might have a painfree Christmas.

Blessings, Janice

Kellie said...

Glad you knee doesn't requier any more that drugs at this time :)