Today I went to 7 stores, the post office and a wedding. I am exhausted and ready for bed now. We've had some snow over the past few days so roads are a little slick and traffic is heavy with everyone out shopping for presents.
These are four of the six banners which I drew for our church auditorium. Another lady copied my designs onto fabric, cut, ironed and made them into banners. These are NOT original creations - I had someone elses work that I looked at and adapted. I made a mistake on the one showing Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus - I switched the colors around which caused it to be a negative and reverse of how I pictured it in my mind. The faces should be light colored with dark around them but I guess it still works this way. Just different than how I pictured it. I must have gotten confused with my design and colored the wrong portions.
There are still two more - one of an angel and the other I can't even remember....wait, I think she was going to do words on the sixth. I'm confused.
These banners turned out beautifully. Now get some rest.
You made me tired just reading that you went to that many stores!
Wow, they look really good. I actually think I like the negative look best! Can't wait to see you guys soon!
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