Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is the birthday of my twin sisters, Kris and Alicia!

Happy Birthday to you both!

(update: Kris is on the left, she was born first. Alicia is on the right, she was born 32 minutes later. Back in the day, the doctor (and my mom) did not know she was carrying twins, Alicia was a little surprise! PS They are fraternal twins, not identical, as you can see.)


SandyAlaska said...

Alicia is on the right ?

Teri said...

Happy Birthday to you both.

Kellie said...

Happy Birthday to Krissy and Alicia!

I'll spare you the song I sang for Kris this morning, but know I'm humming it for you Alicia!

Lynn Cohen said...

HB...so sweet. Older now? LOL

soulbrush said...

double trouble. were you always the odd one out? happy boifday goils!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Happy Birthday ladies.

crochet lady said...

Happy birthday gals!

tainterturtles said...

Hey, I'm a faternal twin too.

I spent all day with the birthday girl....say it's my birthday 100 times!

Can you believe the birthday girl told the Chief of Police how hold she was today...geez. TMI for heavens sake.

Aunt Krissy said...

Gosh, I'm really really cute!

Alicia said...

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Yep Sandy...thats me on the right...the bigger one. Fact is, I was conceived before Kris by maybe a few months (maybe, thats what the docs say) and therefore am technically older, even though she was born first...but don't tell anyone...I actually enjoy the status of being the "baby". Helped me get my way all the time!!

Happy Birthday Krissy!