Friday, May 1, 2009

Secret ambitions

I have a few secret ambitions. Some of them are too close to home to tell all of you - who knows, someone may laugh at me, or say it can't be done. I keep those ideas in my head. (I know losing 50 lbs in 1 month ain't going to happen so we'll dismiss that one right up front!)

One of my secret ambitions that I am willing to share is that I have a desire to be a romance author. I can hear Kris sighing...."please no, not a romance author!" And I know many (all 10?) of you may think romances are silly and trite. Well, some of them are. That's the plain truth.

When I was a teen and into my early twenties I read many romance books. Harlequins, Silouettes, historical (think Barbara Cartland), gothic, and inspirational (remember Grace Livingston Hill?) My sisters and I read them and then passed them around and soon came to realize that they are all the same. Same story - just different names, places and predicaments. Romances are very much a formula type book. Boy meets girl, start to fall in love, have a major misunderstanding, resolve their differences, and then live happily ever after.

I've been thinking that when I retire if I could crank out a romance novel every 6 months or so, that could be a source of steady income. We'll have other retirement money, but I think it would be a good, fun way to spend some of my time and make extra money. To do that though, I need to get my foot in the door and become a published romance author. I've read two inspirational (Steeple Hills) books recently. They are the same romance formula except that there are very rigid guidelines for the content of the book; no cussing, no gambling, nothing more than a quick hug, etc. I can live within those guidelines, in fact, I'm glad to have them.

That's what I'm going to attempt to write. I started yesterday with my cast of characters, my main story line and a lesser side story. I also have the "misunderstanding" and the "reconciliation" figured out. Now I just have to put together what happens in each chapter and put it all together. Which, knowing me, may take about another 10 years. We'll see how that goes.


tainterturtles said...

I like romance! I'm happy to hear you want to try writing romance. Please just don't write those stories about the bachelor that marries the pregnant young mother. Kris and I giggle about the titles of many Harlequin novels that deal with unwed mothers and cowboys or bachelors etc.

Aunt Krissy said...

Now that you said it out loud you will have to do it! Are you keeping the same story line that you have had for the past year? or are you going to steal mine? I will sell it to you for 50 bucks!

PAK ART said...

Krissy - I'm stealing yours. It's just more interesting than the first one I came up with. So I owe you $50 when I get published.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

You, (we) can do anything we set our minds to do. I have faith that you can and will. It won't take 10 years either!

You have many gifts and talents and a great life w/your husband. Most stories are true with (a lot) of embellishments, so go ahead and join in. I'm quite sure with what you've read and lived thus far, you too can be on the NY Times Best Seller! Dream it and achieve it! The great thing about "not" writing full time is you're finished, when you're finished. Your blog already proves that you can write, just squeeze in a chapter here and there and I'll see you at the Book signing!

Love and much success!

crochet lady said...

For awhile I was writing a fiction book, but then I kind of lost the story and it wasn't that important to me anymore. But I did learn alot and it was sort of a theraputic thing for me and a great way to be a better writer. Maybe someday, I'll try it again. Though I think I do prefer writing poems and short stories. I am not much of a stratagist for coming up with a plot and plan for a novel.

If your heart is calling you to write then write. Sounds like you have a plan worked out. Go for it!

K. said...

Ooo, fun! I remember when I was still living at home, I subscribed to the Harlequin book of the month club - I got a free wine glass each month. I still have those wine glasses 15 years later! ha!

This American Life" did a story about the Romance Writers convention a while back. Kind of neat to find out how the romance book industry works, I thought. You probably already have a better idea and may not find it as neat? :)