Saturday, November 1, 2008


Our theme for the harvest party was Noah's Ark. We were supposed to dress as animals or biblical characters.

I'm a rabbit dork, with a capital D. I kept procrastinating and never did get a costume figured out to wear for the harvest party until my lunch break on THE day. The night before the big event, I planned to just wear the raven costume again until I realized I had given the black pants to Salvation Army just 4 days prior. Rats! I thought about calling my sister to see if I could wear her black pants but she's skinnier than me (less fat? I don't think any of us are skinny) and I knew the pants would be skin tight and I wouldn't be comfortable in that.
So, on my lunchbreak I came up with this brilliant plan. I went to Walmart and bought a pair of grey sweatpants and shirt. I also bought grey cheap gloves, grey socks, a skein of grey yarn and a headband. I had 1/2 hour at home to put it all together and this is what I got. A dorky grey plump rabbit.
Kathy visited with me for much of my face painting time and had difficulty talking to me because she was so distracted by the nose and teeth.
Instructions for creating a homemade rabbit costume:
1. Cut cardboard into ear shapes. Tape to headband. Cover with grey socks.
2. Wrap yarn around another length of cardboard a bajillion times. Tie around the middle, cut the ends and voila! you have a pompom for the tail. Pin to bottom of sweatshirt.
3. Paint face with rabbit nose and buck teeth.
4. Put on your sweats, wear grey gloves and presto! chango! you have been transformed into a rabbit.
The beauty of this costume is that ALL of it can be reused as regular clothing - except I'll probably never wear the headband again. The excess yarn will be donated to someone who crochets - there are a lot of them at church.


Alicia said...

very cute, you dork-a-morkian!
The challenging part will be to NOT take any of the reuseable items to Salvation Army (especially four days before you need it!)

ahhh...that's so funny about Kathy having a hsrd time talking to you...that would be kinda distracting.

Kohls is gonna be next to Target out yonder in Muldoon. Maybe a new one will go on this side of town, too.

Aunt Krissy said...

I think you look cute!

tainterturtles said...

I give you lots of credit Patty for putting a custom together, plus the face paint. I don't think I would have the energy to do all that. Way to go.

grnqrtr said...

I miss my Dork rabbit mommy. The teeth were the best part. I could see how it would be distracting talking to you.