I got up an hour earlier today to get some extra projects at work done. I was leaving the house at 6:00 am and noticed frost on my car windows for the first time this year! Yikes! Winter is coming fast. We've actually had sunshine today but the mountains are still socked in. I've been trying to get a picture of them all day because they are beautiful in the sunlight with the snow half way down. I'll keep trying because the one I've posted really doesn't do it justice. At this time of year I love Alaska and feel bad for griping about the rain all summer long. It really is very beautiful here. Especially in the fall.
Tim is feeling somewhat better today. He never went to the doctor yesterday because that's just the way he is. He needs to be closer to death than he is now to actually see one. And even then he makes me google stuff and give him my best recommendation. I used to work for a veterinarian, see? So that makes me sort of an expert on all sorts of health issues. Not!
I love it Patty.. My husband is just like that too!! Only you have more credentials than I do since you worked for a vet and probably know how to do all those things like expressing anal glands (handy info to have when married!).
Yes, men are funny when it comes to going to the doctor. I can never figure it out...and I've been married for 25 years! Your photo is beautiful....I want to see more, more, more!!!!!
Does he have a wet nose? is he eating ? drinking his water? can you get a fecal sample? all vet always want one of them!
Patty, you asked about my gnome, Timothy. Well, we love gnomes, especially my daughter. Timothy was the first one we ever bought. We have other ones too that sit or lay under our Hosta plants. What's really cool is when the snow is melting in the spring and Timothy will start peeking out from under the snow....I get really excited. Gnomes can be creepy, but there good little guys!
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