Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cabin rest and relaxation

Mt. McKinley (or Denali as some call it)
We spent three glorious days at the cabin.  It was beautiful, sunny weather with highs in the low 80's.  Lots of mosquitoes and horse flies but that's minor stuff compared to being outdoors in the sun at the cabin.

Taz learned to swim and we spent lots of time throwing her orange float into the lake for her to retrieve.  I cross-stitched a little and read a book.  Sweetie cleared some brush, cut grass and cut up a fallen tree.  He also rowed me around the lake twice.  

I haven't used my video portion of the camera much, but tried it out.  Worked pretty well - we'll see if they load okay.  They keep running continuously in fast motion - I don't know how to get them to stop so you can just click on it.....oh well.   Taz is the best at playing keep-away from Roxie.  

Roxie enjoying a good back rub.
And a little reminder to be careful...big brown bear tracks!


A Lady's Life said...

lol deer flies and black flies would keep me out of the woods for sure OUCH!!!!Thats why we went south where there are no bugs.
The bear looks pretty close to home
Beautiful and exciting place you live in. :)

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What fun what fun.

Kellie said...

Great fun Patty! Glad you were able to get away and enjoy the cabin! Those videos were the best LOL

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

Happy you got away for awhile from work. And its warm. :) Love seeing the videos running. Thanks for the visit. Have missed you.