Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I was the victim of a thief.  A week or so ago, I sketched the items sitting on the dash of my car and hanging from my mirror.  A few days later, someone rifled through my car during the night.  This has happened before but nothing has ever been taken before.  This time they took all my little goodies - my smiley man that I've had for 7 years, my little plastic monkey that only cost a quarter, my sunglasses (I was in need of a new pair, but still!), my earrings that I never wear and my bead thingy hanging from my mirror.  All of it stolen by some night time thief!  I never lock my car and still don't.  Everything of value (to me) is now REALLY gone. 

I guess I'll have to rethink the locking car thing - the problem is I don't have an automatic lock and it's a pain when you have your hands full of stuff to try to get the door unlocked.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

So sorry to hear this. One must protect ones stuff. Better lock up now.

Mim said...

that's awful!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Oh how sad that someone would be so nasty as to steal in the first place but to steal something that is only of value to the person who owns it. Its such a violation of your space. Yep lock up the car. They could hide in it and steal YOU next time.

Teri said...

That is so wrong. I had my purse stolen once and felt so violated.
Yes, lock your car!!!!!!

A Lady's Life said...

I think today you have to be very careful. Economic times are rough.
Jobs scarce. Costs high. People are angry and cause nuisance kinds of crimes. Someone threw an egg at my car and I just had it washed.
Just plain rude behavior.

janice said...

Bummer. Unfortunately a lot of that has been happening in our area of Anchorage. At least they did not vandalize your car while they were at it.

Marj said...

Did they steal your sketches too???
if not, at least you have a remembrance of those things (even tho' they were valuable only to you.)
Nowadays, it seems, you have to "nail down" just about everything! Sorry about your loss.

soulbrush said...

Why would they even want them. I hope they all have diarrhoea for a month!