Friday, March 11, 2011

Odd hair choice

Today my sweetie took me to lunch and I immediately noticed this man sitting a few tables over. I've seen him before because I recognized his unusual hair style. I can't tell if he's bald on top and sides or not, but why else would he comb his hair from the BACK of his neck up over the top of his head and over his ears? I sketched his hair quickly on a napkin and then did a real sketch when I got home.

I'm not making fun of him. Really. It's just such an unusual choice of hairstyle....maybe he's trying to set a new trend? I never did get to see his front view but I'm guessing it looks just as odd from the front. He had a young couple with him....presumably friends or family? Why, why wouldn't you tell your family or friend, "Hey dude, quit doing the comb over. It's not working for you."


Aunt Krissy said...

I have seen him too up in AK! I'm sure I have.

SandyAlaska said...

Now ... That is an EXTREME comb over !!!

Alicia said...

yah...I've seem him too! And I'm sure there can only be one person in the world who would actually have that extreme of a comb-over!

Mim said...

self delusion is a powerful emotion, he probably thinks that "no one notices".

but it makes for a great sketch.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I have a friend that does this. He is a hairdresser. I wouldn't dare tell him to change his style.Nor would I ask why, but I do wonder. It is unusual. I have gotten used to seeing it though.

Jean Nelson Paintings and Photography said...

Think he is trying to imitate Justin Beeber (sp)??? or one of the singers in the Rascal Flats group? Both comb their hair forward like your man. Maybe its a new style.

Anonymous said...

OMG. Bill & I saw him in REI about 4 years ago... crazy huh? I copied your post and emailed it to Bill. It will give him a good laugh!!