Friday, January 21, 2011

Last Day

The last day of a very busy week at work. If you work in accounting you know about the 13th month. That's the "pretend" partial month that is a time period made up to allow you to get all your last year's data in the system prior to closing out for the year. Jan 20 was our deadline and I'm happy to say I was entering invoices right up through the 19th for payment on the 20th but still have a few more credit card charges floating out there in limbo....they didn't make it by the end of the 13th month. Which to me is no big deal, but to the bean counters in central finance, it's a big hairy deal.

We lost two positions early this month due to budget cuts. One was my receptionist position so we are splitting up that workload between the three of us left. I've got plenty of filing to do now and I've taken on some other tasks too.

Taz has a doctor appt's time for her second set of vaccinations and a complete vet check up. I had to go out in the snow this morning to collect a small sample of doo doo to take with me. Got to love snow in your slippers!


Lynn Cohen said...

Have a great weekend!!!! ;-))

Anonymous said...

Hope your knee is feeling better so you dont have to deal with that too. And its warmed up... all a plus!! enjoy your time off.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I hope you have a great weekend Patty. Hang in there. THose beans will all get counted.

Mim said...

That is the one thing I don't miss about having a dog - the early morning snowy walks

marianne said...

Sounds busy dear!
Hope Taz will do ok.
And that you are still enjoying her.

Have a nice weekend!

Alicia said...

How do you know for sure if you got the doo from the right dog?

PAK ART said...

A - because I watched the dog do the doo, then I picked it up with a stick and stuck it in a baggie.