Panda is gone. It was the right time. I had so many doubts but when I went to put her leash on yesterday she tried to bite me and flipped all over as if she didn't know who I was and had never been on a leash. Her mind really failed over the weekend. She became so confused and scared of everything. She's not scared anymore.
My eyes are puffy and I look a mess. But there is a sense of relief that I did the right thing.
im so sorry about panda. oh so sad, but she is in doggie heaven now and out of her confusion and distress. I just lost my beloved Emily kitty so i know how hard it is to realize you'll never seen dear panda again. she is lovely. blessings, suki
So sad indeed, but you did do the right thing for her and she is in doggie heaven romping around like her old self.
Big hugs for you is all I can do.
I'm so sorry. I know its hard but you have to think of them and ifs its a quality life for them. We want them to live on so much but we need to think of them. You did the right thing and it will hurt because you loved panda so much but think of all the joy you've had too. I have lost several cats thru the years by having to make that decision. My heart goes out to you.
I am so sorry to hear about Panda. She is in a better place now. A friend of mine had the same experience. It is very sad, yet you know she feeling great now. BIG HUGS to you.
I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing with us. There was a comment left on FB this morning by Jennifer Shaw regarding the passing of her brother-in-law, but it applies to you too. "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. ~Author Unknown" I am glad that you have lots of treasures of Panda.
Always remember the good times! We keep our passed away dogs (ashes) on our dresser with their collars and pictures. We see them every day and I bet we talk about them every day. It will get easier. You did the right thing.
Such sad news. I share your pain. Animals suffer and we suffer along with them.Panda is happy now running through green pastures with other dogs. She is free healthy and happy.
You did the right thing because the end was coming anyway. You just shortened the pain and suffering for her.
She looks wonderful in the picture and you can take comfort from knowing she had a great life with you.
i knew that one day i would come along to read your blog as usual and see this. feel sad like i did a while ago with suki's cat. such a dear friend, such a big part of your lives, rest in peace dear panda.xxx
You did the right thing Patty. My girlfriend was in a similar situation and her beloved dog who was dying of cancer bite their son...Krissy can tell you the rest of the horrible story.
Bless Panda's heart & soul.
It's hard, but you did the right thing.
Remember the good times and keep her close to your heart.
So sorry, They always seem to tell you when it's time. Brought tears to my eyes
Oh my gosh! I know just what you mean - it is not easy. You brought tears to my eyes... Panda is better now.
Hey mom, Sorry about Panda. I know you made the right decision. Love you!
I am so sorry. Too much death lately. Blessings to you dear Patty.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle; easily and often breached. Yet, still we would live no other way."
- Irving Townsend
My heart felt condolences for having to say goodbye to Panda.
I know how sad this is. So I send HUGS!!!!!!!!
:( :( :( Oh Patty,I'm so sorry.
I'm never ready to let any of my 'kids' go, but I think it's such a blessing that we have the choice of kindness to end their suffering. It's the last thing we can do for them.
What a sweetheart she was.
My ♥ goes out to your and your family as well as the other dogs left behind.
Sorry to hear about Panda. I know how hard that had to be.
Oh dear, Patty - I've been following your posts about Panda for a while and I was saddened to read today that she has gone. I know you'll be missing her greatly, but hope you will take some comfort from knowing she is at peace now. C
Aw...I am sorry to hear of this...Hugs for you...No more pain for Panda...Peace at last!
I was afraid of this. Such a heavy decision to come to. I am so sorry for your loss Patty.
I love this last picture.......
Hope your heart will heal soon patty.......
I'm so sorry I'm just hearing about Panda. I've been in a little funk since Max went to doggie heaven and just saw the post that you left on my blog.
My prayers and hugs are certainly with you and I know that this is a very sad time for you and your family. Although we trust in the Lord, it hurts.
Love you
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