Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jury duty

Today I was called in for jury duty. There were about 100 of us seated in the juror waiting room for over half an hour. Roll had been called and instructions were being given about parking, jury room behaviour, proof of jury duty slips, etc. A guy wanders in half an hour late, mills around and then interrupts the jury clerk (in front of all of us) and says, "I've been walking around and trying to figure out what's going on around here." The jury clerk addresses him and says, "did you just come in?" "Yeah," he responds. She hands him two forms, tells him he missed roll call and instructs him to sit down and fill the forms out quickly. He saunters over to a free chair, sighs heavily and begins to fill out his forms.

I was irritated. We have all had our days interrupted to serve on a jury. Suck it up! Be respectful to the jury clerk! And the rest of us who got there on time! In my mind I started calling him Goofus (as in Goofus and Gallant from the Hi-lights childrens magazine).

So I sketched him first. Goofus has the striped hat on. Gallant is possibly the other nice young man who arrived on time and seemed very respectful. The gal was playing a video game on her ipod after the group instructions had been given.

I got chosen for jury duty. I can't tell you what it's about or I'd have to kill you. I have to go back tomorrow but my case should finish by noon. I hope.


Julie said...

I hope your case will be interesting at least!!!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

You can be the court artist for this case. CAn't wait to see what you draw.

Aunt Krissy said...

Noon?! So, you already know all the facts about the case and know what way you're going to vote?

Kellie said...

What do they call that a quicky trial? Glad it's gonna be short for you tho.

PAK ART said...

All the information has been presented. Today we start with the closing statements from both sides so I expect it will be short. Unless we get a hung jury but I don't think that will happen. It seems pretty straight forward to me.

A Lady's Life said...

Well this is an experience in itself.
So interesting to know what kind of cases are being held today.

Lynn Cohen said...

I hate when I have to go and waste my time doing that, even though a part of me finds it interesting once I get into the judges chambers. However, I need to work, do not get paid when away and it's a major loss of income for me...
if I ever retire I might do it willingly. Nice to while away the time sketching and they are good.

crochet lady said...

I hope it will be a quick trial and it won't stretch out for days.