This is the piece of artwork I purchased at the craft bazaar last weekend. I like watercolor and I also like native art, so when I met Ken Lisbourne from Point Hope, Alaska, I couldn't help myself. I had to buy one of his prints. He had several paintings depicting different aspects of native Eskimo life in Pt. Hope. This one shows butchering of a bowhead whale. You can seen the men all cutting the blubber off the whale, and in the foreground the ladies are cutting the slabs into chunks. I've never been to Pt. Hope, but I have been to Barrow - it is a totally different world up there. Barrow is at the top of the state, Pt. Hope is near the top on the west coast.
Ken Lisbourne is his English name, in Eskimo it is Tigiqaq Ooyamtoan. He is an Inupiaq Eskimo. The name of the painting is Butchering the Bowhead Whale or Avataayunik - Ingootuk in Eskimo.
Oh sure, easy for you to say!
Kris is teaching me how to comment
I enjoy all your blogs
Love, Mom
2nd test for Mom
Way to go ma!
I got a print too but it's a photo of some really beautiful landscape. The photographers name is Wayne Johnson. If any one wants to check out some really awesome photographs (...not that yours aren't lovely, too, Patty..)go to www.WayneJohnsonphoto.com
The picture I bought is named "Midnight". Me and Patty are going to get them framed next week I think.
I love it...now mom's commenting. Way to go Mrs. Schrader!!! I think all the moms should start their own blogs. I'm still trying to teach my mom not to be so paranoid about commenting. No ones going to hunt her down in Southwest WI!!!!
The print you bought is wonderful, I love the colors. Can I ask how much a native print costs in Alaska? Just curious to prices you pay.
I paid $60 for this. Framed, I think he wanted $100 but they were pretty cheaply framed. I checked at an art gallery site and they sell this print for $90. So I feel like I got a fairly good deal and met the artist and talked with him about Pt. Hope a little. That makes it more personal to me, to meet the artist.
3rd test from Mom
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