I created this pattern last night after considering several other patterns from books that I have. I decided that I wanted to make my own instead of depending on some other person's creative talent.....although I may still use patterns from others from time to time.
I then cut it out with my new exacto knife kit....love, love, love gift certificates at art stores. It allows me to just go in and buy what I want with no concern over how much it costs.
This is for a young lady at church who just became engaged. She is my secret sister and we are having our "reveal" party this Friday night, so I wanted a special gift to give her made by myself. I still need to frame it...here's where I messed up. I had a white frame I planned to use, but between folding the paper over and then drawing the design, it's bigger than my frame. I really need to measure twice, cut once.
You do such a nice job Patty. My grandma use to do polish paper cutting which is just like Scherrenschnitte!
OMG Patty what a masterpiece!
It is perfect in every way. did you make the pattern yourself? wow!
I am in awe.
She will love it♥
This is beautiful Patty! What control you have over that knife!
This is outstanding. It is so intricate. What a lucky lady that receives this gift.
so beautiful and such a difficult task! i love this kind of work, but would never have the steady hand and eye and patience to do it.
Have I said it l00 times yet??? You are so talented! So many "arty" things you do.
This is beautiful!
what a lovely piece.
You did a great job. I am sure she will be very pleased with it.:)
Your paper cutting is just awesome and amazing. Beautiful!
What a perfect gift for this soon to be married young woman. I am so very impressed with your artsmanship!
I absolutely LOVE this. Do you know how talented you are. wow. She will love this too.
This is just amazing! such detail and exact cuts. it must take such a long time to do!!!
That is just great Patty !! She is sure to love it!
Wow, it looks lovely! Thanks for sharing.
This is beautiful - have you considered making files to sell. Unfortunately I can't draw a straight line even with a ruler.
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