It's been a l-o-n-g week but a good one. The kids we had in class were really wonderful. I got to know a bunch of them a lot better. The next generation coming up is a good group of people, my faith is renewed in mankind! (that's my niece Jadyn in the white)
Our kids in the craft room making journals.

Eager to answer questions!

Playing a water bomb relay - most of them got a little wet. I avoided it!

Jake "the Snake" Jackson tying up the sherriff before robbing the bank.

Petunia Periwinkle just after she's thrown a pie into the face of Caleb Foster, a traveling preacher who just happens to be the identical twin brother of Dr. Marvel who sold her a fake potion that turned her hair green and caused the ruin of her singing and acting career. (This little drama had all the makings of a major daytime soap opera!)

Sunnee - the most cheerful little girl you can imagine. I rarely see Sunnee without a big smile on her face, but I think the week was long for her too (her mom is the craft leader). She was crying just before I snapped this picture, but as soon as she saw the camera she forced a smile. By the way, her hair isn't normally this color, it was "crazy hair day" last night.....mine was funky too, but luckily I escaped getting my picture taken!
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