Taz is FINALLY settling down and turning into a decent dog. She still gets into stuff so I don't dare leave her alone in the house (several pillows have corners chewed off and have lost some stuffing), she loves to dig holes and Sweetie or I fill them in just as quickly as she digs them....but I do see some hope for her yet. She is very sweet. Yet pushy. She eats hair....what kind of a dog eats dog hair off the floor? Or lint balls?
It's probably too soon to call her an Angel, but she has graduated from Devil to just an imp. Happy Animal Wednesday!
Oh boy. She picked up a lot of bad habits lol
I knew she would turn into an angel And I hope she stays a little bit naughty, that's her charm :)
She has such a lovable look about her. Maybe her 'terrible twos' are about to be over. You really have a lot of patience.
Those puppy years are so difficult. She is sweet looking even now. HAW.
She certainly is a cute imp!
She has grown. They stay a puppy for a couple years and then simmer down pretty good. Altho our Annie never did tear things up, but her sister did and she has simmered way down.
I always thought that at 3 years old, puppies turned into dogs. Like a switch had been thrown. But Taz looks likes she's settling down nicely, must be learning from her elders
Are you sure your dog isn't half cat! My cats love to eat fur off the floor....so weird!
Love her expression!!!
You'll have to give her kitty furball remedy!!
She's adorable...for an imp :)
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