Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rescue Puppy

My sister called me at work on Monday to tell me that MY dog was in the Sunday newspaper. By "MY dog" she meant it was a dog that was supposed to belong to me, because it looks like the other three dogs I've owned. My first, Snicker, my second, Pepsi, and my third, Panda were all black and white spayed female husky/lab/border collie mixes. It was always a little hard to determine what their parents were but I'm sure they all had lab because all three loved the water. I think they had husky because all three didn't bark much at all, but they'd howl when left alone. The first two showed some inclination to herd things although the third didn't even though she was supposed to be an Australian Cattle Dog/Border Collie mix.

Here she is: In the newspaper this dog was highlighted as "pet of the week" from one of the local dog rescue groups. I've called them and left a message as well as filled out an online application but nobody has called me. I know she is my dog, but what are they waiting for? Why haven't they called yet? Tomorrow I will leave another message even though their website states that it could take up to 2 weeks to get a response due to everyone being volunteers.

She meets all my requirements:

Black and White.............check
Floppy ears.................... check
Spayed Female..............check
Already potty trained...check
Still young.......................check (she's 9 months old)
Cute as a button.............check
Feel instantly like she belongs to me.......check

Why don't they call?????!!!!!!

PS is anyone else having trouble with Blogger? I'm having trouble loading pictures to my site and from all yours. I go to your site but can't get the pictures to load. I'm wondering if it's me with slow computer or problem with blogger.


Alicia said...

They'll call....They BETTER call!!
What name are ya thinking of....?

Barbara said...

Good luck! I hope you get THAT dog!

Mim said...

are they close enough to visit? lovely doggie - so good luck!

I've had some issues with Blogger but it might be something worse on your computer/internet connection. Good luck fixing it.

have a good thanksgiving

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I always have this trouble. I think it is my connection. Sometimes I just give up.

"Your" doggie is cute. I hope you get her soon. 2weeks is a long time to a puppy.

sukipoet said...

awe. i hope you hear and are soon bringing this pup home

Anonymous said...

I saw that in the Sunday paper. I hope you hear back from them.

marianne said...

It has your name on her!!!!
All over her..........
Hope they call soon!!!!!

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

What a sweetie it is. I hope it works out. and no I am not having blogger problems.

crochet lady said...

She looks like a very sweet doggy. Hope you get a call soon. I'm sure she would be happy to have a new home.

A Lady's Life said...

Maybe she is already adopted???

Linda Foley said...

Ah! I so hope they call!

tainterturtles said...

That is a nice looking dog. Hope you can claim her as your new pup!

Lynn Cohen said...

No problems with blogger at my house or office computers.

Wishing you and your wonderful family near and far a happy and delicious Thanks giving.

Hugs and thanks for all your wonderful comments.

I do hope you get that puppy if you want it. It's holiday time. They are volunteers. I guess you could go sit on their door step and pant and let your tongue hang out and scratch at their door until someone lets you in to get YOUR dog! Good luck. Hugs.

studio lolo said...

I thought of panda right away when I saw her. I hope she's yours!! I love her freckled legs :)

Blogger has changed picture loading, I've noticed. You have to choose all your photos at once instead of being able to load them as you write and drop them in.
But if you're having trouble seeing our images I'd say the problem is on your end. Sounds like slow loading :(

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family...hopefully including that sweet pup!♥

Aunt Krissy said...

I don't know Patty, I think the puppy is kind of ugly! I mean really? Again with the floppy ears? fluffy coat? Maybe you should try a long snout, short coat and prick ears? Just saying.