Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Sketching

Today I sketched a young lady named Sam, which I think is short for Samantha. I got caught, again, but told that person to keep it on the down low. I definately need to use a smaller sketchbook or hide better.


Aunt Krissy said...

Maybe not sketch in church?

tainterturtles said...

I think the word is out now!

Anonymous said...

Patty.. I was in teh Fairbanks Fred Meyer last week and your book was on the shelf!!

Great job sketching. I loved your watercolor. I thought at first it was a window pane effect.. That would look good too!


SandyAlaska said...

WOW ! Now that's cool that your book is in Fbx... I realize I forgot to look for it when I went thro the Fbx Freddy's a few weeks ago...

crochet lady said...

Caught again? Yes, maybe a smaller book.