Thursday, September 2, 2010

I've Got Sunshine!

We had several sunshine hours this week - it is so welcome after all the rain this summer. I took a quick drive south of town to Turnagain Arm to take some photos. I've become fascinated by cloud formations and figuring out how I would paint them in watercolor. I'm going to try over the weekend since I have 3 days off in a row!
McHugh Creek
Orange lichen on the rocks

Mackeral skies and mare's tails,
make tall ships shorten sails.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

You have some gorgeous skies to inspire you to paint. Have fun on your three day vacation.

studio lolo said...

beautiful pictures!! I love clouds. Good luck practicing! Watercolor clouds are hard to do. I'm way out of practice!

tainterturtles said...

Isn't it amazing what sunshine can do. The photos look very nice.

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Those are lovely clouds. You can do them. Look forward to the results. Enjoy and have fun.

crochet lady said...

Yay for sun!

Kellie said...

Wonderful pictures! Nice to see the beauty of AK again.

A Lady's Life said...

You are surrounded by inspiration.
Go to it girl :)

Aunt Krissy said...

What ya going to do with 3 days off?