Saturday, September 25, 2010

I feel the earth... move...under my feet!

There's a whole lot of shakin' going on! We had an earthquake last Monday, it was 4.9 on the richter scale which is not so big. I was driving my car so I didn't even feel it at all. Just this morning we had another one at 4:00 am. It woke me up. It was 5.3 centered 115 miles north of Anchorage so it wasn't very bad here, but enough to shake the bed a little.

It's funny how people react to earthquakes. They don't bother me much at all. I only start to get a little nervous if they go on for a long time or if we have a series of them, one right after another. When they just hit here and there I barely even think about it. There have been some times at night when I'm laying in bed thinking, should I get up and get dressed? I don't want anybody finding me trapped in the rubble looking like this!

There is a lady at my work that totally freaks out. The earthquake on Monday caused her to scream (very loudly - it could be heard on the other side of the building) and then sit in her cubicle and cry for awhile. She later told me she was so petrified she couldn't move. I told her if she is really so frightened she should get under something. We've all been trained in grade school to "duck and cover." Most people at my work just kept on working, they didn't even get up from their chairs.

Are you afraid of earthquakes? Do they make you scream and cry? Or are they just another day at the office?


A Lady's Life said...

Movies do not help. They show you horrible things that can happen. but if your time is up its up and if its not, God will see you through.
So screaming or not screaming will not change anything.
I guess screaming just alerts people you are there.

tainterturtles said...

I've never been in an earthquake, but if I was, I'd be the screamer type....but heavens, I'd never cry! Well, maybe if something hit my head!!!!!!!

Teri said...

I didn't realize Alaska got so many earthquakes. The only one I have experienced was in Hawai'i and I didn't even feel it. It does sound scary.

Katie said...

I think earthquakes are fun! Love you!

Mim said...

We have little ones here in New England and they are always a surprise. I am usually as surprised as everyone else and sit unmoving while things jiggle across the table.

Linda Foley said...

Growing up in Alaska, I am used to earthquakes, but where I live now we never get any or if we do it is far and few between. I still just think of the small ones as nothing, but it makes me notice and watch.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

The earthquake that woke me certainly got my attention but I can't say I am afraid of them. We don't have them often enough to worry about them. No screaming here. Luna hates anything out of the ordinary. She runs to hide.

Aunt Krissy said...

I like to rock and roll. I'm like you, I only worry if they seem to go on toooo long cause then you wonder if this it's going to be the "big" one. Maybe you should have slapped her? That might have calmed her down!

Becky from Alaska said...

You're rather lyrical in your blog today:) Laurie said that first earthquake was a pretty long one. That is when I start to get nervous. If it's just a little tremor, and then it's gone, I hardly even think about it.

Kellie said...

Never worried about earthquakes too much. Was more worried about the tsumani warnings when they came.

marianne said...

I have never witnessed one......
So I have no idea how I would react.