Thursday, August 19, 2010


There was the sound of geese this morning flying overhead and honking. That's a sure sign of fall and it's only mid-August. We finally got a day of sun yesterday after 31 consecutive days of rain. Seems like summer finally came, yesterday, and now it's fall. I can feel a coolness in the mornings and have turned the heat on in my car the last two.

I do like the sun though!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Whooo hooo. I love fall. I hope you do too. It sounds like it is going to arrive soon.

Aunt Krissy said...

Yesp, fall is here, unless you're in WI an the high is going to be in the uppers 80's this weekend! ha ha

Teri said...

I can see the subtle signs of fall also. And I'm in Wisconsin too.

Lynn Cohen said...

You really need a California Vacation!!! Come South young woman and enjoy the sun!!!!

crochet lady said...

Finally a break in the rain.

janice said...

The sun is GLORIOUS! I have been setting on the deck getting my share of Vit D!
Hope you are feeling better, Patty.

Linda Foley said...

It seems to me August was always cool... I remember well at the beginning of the school year, walking to the bus stop down our lane, with tons of birch leaves and breaking ice puddles. One of my favorite memories actually.

I am also seeing subtle signs of fall. The heat comes and goes with breaks in between. But it just 'feels' like fall is on the way. Of course it will be quite some time before cool takes over the heat - but it's starting.

Kellie said...

Are the fireweed out yet? Love those flowers. Hope you get more than one day of sun.