Thursday, June 24, 2010

What I'm not

I've found my book for sale at my local Carrs/Safeway Grocery Store, Costco, and Border's Books but I have not found it at my local Fred Meyer. Today I did a thorough search....

It was not in the Romance Section, nor the Science Fiction, Westerns, or Cook Books (I'm not surprised, I didn't expect to find it there!) but I also looked in the Alaskana, Popular, Top 10, Well Known Authors and Summer Reading....

So now I know I'm not popular, I'm not well-known, I'm not in the Top 10 and I'm not a summer read. But what I do know is right at this moment I'm #10 on the Amazon site for Kindle books/Parenting/Family it got there in that sub-category I don't know but it moves up and down as people purchase the Kindle version. I've seen it as low as #60 and then all the way up to #3.

The decision to put it up as a Kindle book was last-minute. It's the first time my publisher has put a book out in Kindle format. I don't know how many have sold yet, but the way it moves up and down on the list I know it's selling so I'm very pleased with putting it on Amazon.

I have another book signing scheduled for this Saturday, June 26th, at Borders Books on Dimond Blvd from 1:00 - 4:00pm. If you are in the area and would like to stop by I'd be happy to see you! I'll have my shark teeth, coins from various countries, photo album, map, and conch shell on display.

(ps Mom, can I borrow the conch shell?)


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I wish I could attend the book sigining. I would love to see more pictures.

tainterturtles said...

I would love to come to your book signing. Good luck.

Kellie said...

If I were there, I'd definitely be at borders to see you!! Hope you have a good showing and sell lots!

cmarie said...

In Juneau and K'kan and Skagway the locals are always stocking the waterfront shops with "Alaskan" things that the ship crowds are looking to buy. Does Anchorage have a cruise ship shopping district that your book might sell from???? Good luck with the book signing tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Patty. I'm about 1/2 way through the book. we are heading for the cabin this weekend and if the rain continues, I may get more read! I'm loving it. Sell lots at Borders.

crochet lady said...

I think that was a great move to have it available as a Kindle book.

Hope your signing goes well.

Lisa said...

I think it's just so cool, you have a book.

But what is kindles?

Btw, I love the new header. It's a great picture of you guys.

A Lady's Life said...

This is so exciting!!!!

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

WOW - I so wish I could be there. I'm sooooooo excited for you! How awesome a thing to experience. A Kindle book is a great idea. More and more people are gravitating away from paper books. Me on the other hand will never let go of the feel, warmth and comfort of "holding" a book!

Love you and proud of your success. Looking forward to more great news from Alaska.

BTW - Love the blog photo. Absoultely adorable and relaxing... wish I was there!

Peace and contiuned blessings

janice said...

I must complain to Freddies about not being able to find "Carina" in their book section!

BT said...

Oh I'd love to come. I'm so glad your book is selling, even though you couldn't find it in that shop. I must get one, I'm sure it'll be a great

Unknown said...

Kindle is great. I read on a kindle app on my iPhone late at night. I can shop in bed!! I am going to check it out.

By the way I accidently " rejected" the comment you left on my blog. I can't undo it. Bummer....