The pics are two snow-sculptures I designed (and did most of the work on) when I worked about 15 years ago for Veterinary Centers of America. We did the sculptures for the Fur Rondevous competition. We didn't win either year, but got "participation" awards. It was fun and LOTS of hard work.

It was a beautiful sunny day today, the outdoors seemed warmer than usual and one of my co-workers wore a pastel colored top. It had us all thinking spring. Another of my co-workers kept walking around saying, "I wonder if we're in for an early spring this year?" He's lived in Alaska most of his life, so he should know the answer is "NO".
This happens every year. It gets a little warmer and the days get longer. I get fooled into thinking winter is almost over. And then we get the coldest temperatures of the year! February is when our Fur Rondevous is held and I can remember it being 20 below zero while I worked on a snow-sculpture late into the early morning hours to meet the deadline. I can remember hopping back and forth while watching the parade and sure my feet would turn into blocks of ice while I watched the sled dog races. I can also remember my kids riding the umbrella and rollercoaster at the carnival in sub-zero weather. Their cheeks bright red and a perpetual runny nose from being outside in the cold.

It is not spring. But it was beautiful today. We can hope.
Fur Rondevous looks like so much fun, even if it is cold. The angle of the sun is changing....I could tell by the icicles that are forming.
And I helped! I did, I did!!
I agree that the angle of the sun is changing and becoming just a little bit more powerful. We've had temps about 25-30* lately and actually had some melting going on.
I remember eating cotton candy at Fur Rondevous while waiting for a ride on the octopus and then putting my blue sticky hand inside my mitten. Strange the random memories that pop back into your head occasionally.
THose are some fancy snow sculptures. Maybe you need to do one in your garden??
Hey!! You changed your blog again!! I really like this.. Is it a 3 column?
That ice/snow art is so cool! Must have took a long time to do that totem pole.
SO cool...You are a woman of many talents... I adore that first snow sculptureand love your new header!! :)
nice post. thanks.
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