Saturday, February 20, 2010


One of the projects I worked on this week was a papercutting design for my sister Alicia to give as a gift to one of her co-workers who is expecting a baby and is decorating the baby's room in retro toys, more specifically Sock Monkeys.Here's my drawing for her to cut out. Important note: she will be using the back side, it gets flipped over. Do you detect a problem?

Here's the finished picture. Notice in the b&w picture above how I spelled the baby's name in blocks? I should have done that backwards because when she cut it and flipped it over the baby's name was wrong and she had to start all over! Lesson learned! Since she had to redesign the letters she took the liberty of making the bed, straightening the letters and evening out my rug.

Alicia is a person of order. She likes things to be even, straight and orderly. I am the opposite. I never do anything that's even, I prefer odd numbers. My trees will always have 3, 5 or 7 branches. Never 2, 4 or 6. It's just not right. I also LIKE messy beds and toys strewn on the floor. We had a good laugh when she realized she just couldn't leave the bed unmade in her picture.


Aunt Krissy said...

That is so Alicia! I need her and you to come down this spring and her to paint the bedroom and make it nice nice. You and I will sit out back and drink ice tea. Alicia wont mind.

Teri said...

Funny story to go with a beautiful design. These schrrenschnittes are quite fascinating. You should do a post sometime on how you started with these and how you do them.

marianne said...

This was fun to read!
Indeed I didn't get the flip with the name before I read the tekst!
Funny how people can be different!
In my home I am not tidy........everywhere is stuff, exept my living room. I always keep that tidy and if possible without too much stuff.
Uneven numbers are the best Patty!
They have far more possitive poperties!
i.e 4 is the number of discipline and order and 5 is of freedom and change!
So no wonder you draw trees with 3 or 5 branches!

The design is wonderful both versions!!!!!!

Have a nice weekend!

soulbrush said...

wow i love your scherrrrr...thingies (whenever i read that word i want to say 'gesundheid'). i too love disorder, but then every now and then i must tidy up and enjoy the order again.

Mim said...

Soul made me laugh because I was just about to comment on your sherin-thingies. You do amazing work on these, how in heavens name do you do that detail work? I got your ATC of a Caribou and it's a wonderful little work of art!!!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

My Sister and I are opposites in that respect too. It turned out very nice.

Kellie said...

I did notice in the first that the name would be backwards, but didn't notice and bed needed to be made, the blocks were haphazardly stacked or the rug was uneven. I liked both images though and especially the red paper.

Margaret Ann said...

This is so intricate and cool! :)

Cathy said...

I love the retro toys, my grandmother was an ace at making those sock monkeys and I still have the one she made for my son.

I love seeing your paper cutting work also, liking how you included the baby's name in the blocks.