My dog Panda seems to be doing fine. No seizures that I know of since Sunday evening. She spent all day at the vet yesterday and appeared fine to them also, albeit a little nervous. Today I got the blood results and nothing is out of the ordinary. The doctor states that if your dog has seizures before one year of age or after ten years, then it could be something serious. Panda is seven. Apparently it is fairly common for dogs to have seizures (this is our second dog whose had them) and it's not a big concern as long as the seizures don't last more than a minute or two. The dog is not breathing during the seizure so is not getting oxygen to it's brain. He called her type of seizures Cluster Epilepsy. She may have them again and when she does it will probably be in a cluster like these have been. He did give me a sedative for her so that if she has another one, I can then sedate her to help ward off any more.
my brother had epilepsy as a child and grew out of it, very scary to see a seizure, aaaw cutie pie, get well soon.
Um, Patty? Panda is fat, that's why she's 75lbs. She should weigh maybe 50lbs? She sure was a cute puppy. What happened?
Thank goodness you at least have some kind of answer! Big hugs to you and to that sweet Panda!!
I have never heard of such a thing. I am glad it wasn't serious. Panda is such a handsome dog.
I'm glad that it isn't something serious. I can see why you brought her home Patty, she was SO cute and fluffy!!
Good news from the vet, eh?
Hey I don't think I told you how much I like the look of your blog since you've changed it.
Great news. Both you and Lynn have healthy pets after health scares. .
She is the cutest puppy and a sassy-looking adult.
Krissy.. you be nice! But then again, I guess Patty says mean things about Abby too..
Patty, I'm glad its nothing too serious with Panda. Your dogs pose so nice for pictures.
That is just the most adorable puppy pic of Panda! What a cutie!
Glad she'll be ok. I'd totally panic if Ginger started to have seizures.
Oh poor Panda.. how scary that must be to see. I would be freaking. Sure was a cute puppy. cut adult dog too. I have a boarder collie and I dont see any of her in yours either.
I LOVE the puppy pic of Panda. I'm so glad she is doing much better. Now you can get some decent sleep.
We used to breed Nova Scotia Duck Tolling dogs and one that we sold had gotten seizures. They wouldn't stop and eventually she had to be put down. We felt so bad.
I hope she recovers soon.
Panda as a puppy is sooooo cute!
I am surprised after readingthis story! Wait until you see what ATC I have made for you before reading this post!
I will send it soon.
Hope you will feel better day by day!
Oh and ps have a look at the ATC blog to see what I did with your birches......
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