I finished the painting of Sadie. Check!
I had lunch with my sister. Check!
I went to the movies. Check!
I bought birthday AND valentine gifts for grandkids. Check!
It was a good day. No headache, no sleeping in, no silly kid's TV shows. I feel successful. I'll have to try positive affirmations again.
Very good job mommy!!!
If you are anything like me, you will know where all the "bad spots" are in your own painting :) But I think you hit it right on the nose! Excellent :)
You captured the "look."! I can almost see his tail wagging.
Very nice job on the painting!
Nice work sister. The dog still looks like a licker to me! Was lunch good? Did you hav the shrimp sandwich? Did you and Alicia talk about me?
What a beautiful job you did! Just wonderful.
It sounds like a wonderful day. I love Sadie's picture. You did a great job. I know her owner will be thrilled as will your Grands when they get their treats.
That's quite the successful day. Love the painting. Really beautifully done.
Wonderful! :) Great personality! :)
What a lovely bunch of "checks"! The expression on Sadie's face is utterly wonderful.
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